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Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is the problem of estimating a robot's trajectory by combining information from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a camera, and is of great interest to the robotics community. This paper develops a novel Lie group symmetry for the VIO problem and applies the recently proposed equivariant filter. The symmetry is shown to be compatible with the invariance of the VIO reference frame, lead to exact linearisation of bias-free IMU dynamics, and provide equivariance of the visual measurement function. As a result, the equivariant filter (EqF) based on this Lie group is a consistent estimator for VIO with lower linearisation error in the propagation of state dynamics and a higher order equivariant output approximation than standard formulations. Experimental results on the popular EuRoC and UZH FPV datasets demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms other state-of-the-art VIO algorithms in terms of both speed and accuracy.
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卷积神经网络(CNN)的泛化性能受训练图像的数量,质量和品种的影响。必须注释训练图像,这是耗时和昂贵的。我们工作的目标是减少培训CNN所需的注释图像的数量,同时保持其性能。我们假设通过确保该组训练图像包含大部分难以分类的图像,可以更快地提高CNN的性能。我们的研究目的是使用活动学习方法测试这个假设,可以自动选择难以分类的图像。我们开发了一种基于掩模区域的CNN(掩模R-CNN)的主动学习方法,并命名此方法Maskal。 Maskal涉及掩模R-CNN的迭代训练,之后培训的模型用于选择一组未标记的图像,该模型是不确定的。然后将所选择的图像注释并用于恢复掩模R-CNN,并且重复这一点用于许多采样迭代。在我们的研究中,掩模R-CNN培训由由12个采样迭代选择的2500个硬花甘蓝图像,从训练组14,000个硬花甘蓝图像的训练组中选择了12个采样迭代。对于所有采样迭代,Maskal比随机采样显着更好。此外,在抽样900图像之后,屏蔽具有相同的性能,随着随机抽样在2300张图像之后。与在整个培训集(14,000张图片)上培训的面具R-CNN模型相比,Maskal达到其性能的93.9%,其培训数据的17.9%。随机抽样占其性能的81.9%,占其培训数据的16.4%。我们得出结论,通过使用屏马,可以减少注释工作对于在西兰花的数据集上训练掩模R-CNN。我们的软件可在https://github.com/pieterblok/maskal上找到。
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机器学习研究取决于客观解释,可比和可重复的算法基准。我们倡导使用策划,全面套房的机器学习任务,以标准化基准的设置,执行和报告。我们通过帮助创建和利用这些基准套件的软件工具来实现这一目标。这些无缝集成到OpenML平台中,并通过Python,Java和R. OpenML基准套件(A)的接口访问,易于使用标准化的数据格式,API和客户端库; (b)附带的数据集具有广泛的元信息; (c)允许在未来的研究中共享和重复使用基准。然后,我们为分类提供了一个仔细的策划和实用的基准测试套件:OpenML策划分类基准测试套件2018(OpenML-CC18)。最后,我们讨论了使用案例和应用程序,这些案例和应用程序尤其展示了OpenML基准套件和OpenML-CC18的有用性。
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Using massive datasets to train large-scale models has emerged as a dominant approach for broad generalization in natural language and vision applications. In reinforcement learning, however, a key challenge is that available data of sequential decision making is often not annotated with actions - for example, videos of game-play are much more available than sequences of frames paired with their logged game controls. We propose to circumvent this challenge by combining large but sparsely-annotated datasets from a \emph{target} environment of interest with fully-annotated datasets from various other \emph{source} environments. Our method, Action Limited PreTraining (ALPT), leverages the generalization capabilities of inverse dynamics modelling (IDM) to label missing action data in the target environment. We show that utilizing even one additional environment dataset of labelled data during IDM pretraining gives rise to substantial improvements in generating action labels for unannotated sequences. We evaluate our method on benchmark game-playing environments and show that we can significantly improve game performance and generalization capability compared to other approaches, using annotated datasets equivalent to only $12$ minutes of gameplay. Highlighting the power of IDM, we show that these benefits remain even when target and source environments share no common actions.
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Humans are excellent at understanding language and vision to accomplish a wide range of tasks. In contrast, creating general instruction-following embodied agents remains a difficult challenge. Prior work that uses pure language-only models lack visual grounding, making it difficult to connect language instructions with visual observations. On the other hand, methods that use pre-trained vision-language models typically come with divided language and visual representations, requiring designing specialized network architecture to fuse them together. We propose a simple yet effective model for robots to solve instruction-following tasks in vision-based environments. Our \ours method consists of a multimodal transformer that encodes visual observations and language instructions, and a policy transformer that predicts actions based on encoded representations. The multimodal transformer is pre-trained on millions of image-text pairs and natural language text, thereby producing generic cross-modal representations of observations and instructions. The policy transformer keeps track of the full history of observations and actions, and predicts actions autoregressively. We show that this unified transformer model outperforms all state-of-the-art pre-trained or trained-from-scratch methods in both single-task and multi-task settings. Our model also shows better model scalability and generalization ability than prior work.
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